













  1. 新專案之規劃、執行、掌控、成本控制及結案
  2. 協助各部門、工廠推動專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決
  3. 協助各部門、工廠之工作流程改善、檢討
  4. 協助產品功能、規格、品質確認
  5. 執行開發階段各項會議策畫、招集、紀錄及進度跟催
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關系所
  2. 具1年以上PM經驗為佳
  3. 溝通協調能力佳、對科技業有熱忱者
  1. 系統線路整合
  2. Layout佈局規劃
  3. 系統問題除錯
  4. 設計流程優化
  5. 創新產品實現
  6. 確保出貨品質
  1. 碩士(含)以上,電機電子相關系所
  2. 具有基礎電路分析及電路設計驗證能力
  3. 具有好的溝通能力與表達能力
  4. 熟悉示波器等相關電子儀器使用
  5. 熟悉電腦硬體架構
  6. 做事主動積極
  7. 正向思考、願意吃苦
  1. 釐清系統issue,並與廠商合作解決問題(Microsoft/Intel/Nvidia/AMD)
  2. 系統整合分析,問題追蹤處理(Bug tracking),軟體整合測試
  3. 驗證/分析NB出貨Image遇到的問題
  1. 大學(含)以上,資工、資管、電機電子相關系所
  2. 熟悉PC系統架構
  3. 具備基本程式語言能力為佳
  4. 以下條件符合愈多項者為優先考慮對象:
  5. 熟悉WinDbg,能分析BSOD dump找出問題方向
  6. 熟悉ADK,能分析機台performance/battery life異常的原因
  7. 熟悉WinPE環境操作,能將驗證流程利用工具程式系統化執行
  8. 熟悉工廠生產NB相關流程
  9. 對PC系統有追根究柢的精神
  10. 樂觀積極
  11. 抗壓性佳
  1. 筆記型電腦系統應用程式規劃與專案管理
  2. 執行軟體應用程式之功能規劃、時程管控、上架發表與客戶服務
  3. 協助業務銷售與行銷溝通整合,確保達成專案成效
  4. 收集並分析市場訊息,掌握軟體應用服務最新趨勢與動態
  5. 商議、審核、協調與第三方軟體廠商之合約內容
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程、法律相關系所
  2. 1~2年以上專案管理經驗為佳
  3. 有軟體技術背景或開發經驗者為佳
  4. 具備英文聽說讀寫能力
  5. 熟悉Windows作業系統、Windows app、Android app
  6. 主動積極,樂觀進取,溝通協調能力強
  7. 抗壓性強、可獨立作業,具備高度耐心及細心
Fulfillment PM (NB Global Supply Chain)
  1. 協助產品專案與主要零件之備料整合規劃
  2. 協助代工廠生產規劃與協調產能規劃
  3. 滿足業務訂單需求
  4. 協調產品出貨狀況
  1. 大學(含)以上,工業管理相關系所
  2. 具1年以上採購/物控/生管…等供應鍊管理相關經驗為佳
  3. 良好的溝通協調能力
  4. 細心與耐心,具Ownership
  5. 反應敏捷,邏輯性強且重視流程


  1. 華碩產品PCB佈局及走線規劃
  2. PCB Layout評估、檢查及問題分析、改善
  3. DFM規則檢查
  1. 專科(含)以上,電機電子相關系所
  2. 熟悉Allegro, OrCAD為佳
  1. test
  1. test


  1. 新產品開發之產品規格/時程/成本之掌控
  2. 產品市場競爭分析/上市規劃/行銷規劃
  3. 產品生命週期管理(NPI>MP>EOL)
  4. 協調及整合各部門產品開發量產相關事宜
  5. 市場資訊蒐集及產品策略制定
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關系所,具MBA學位者為佳
  2. 熟悉產品開發流程、業務開發流程為佳
  3. 思考邏輯清晰、可獨立作業、具備危機處理、及主動發掘並解決問題的能力
  4. 主動、抗壓性強、配合度高、認真細心、負責、具溝通協調及團隊合作能力
  1. 新產品開發之產品規格/時程/成本/物料供應鏈之掌控,制訂,和規劃
  2. 新產品上市和行銷規劃:TA面貌分析/價位帶競爭力分析/銷量預估制訂
  3. 產品生命週期管理: 協調及整合內部各單位,及代工廠和供應商之間所有互相配合的相關事宜,促進專案準時上市以及監控全球各國銷售進度
  4. 關鍵零組件技術資訊蒐集及產品採用策略制訂和策略採購方針制訂
  5. 產品認證範疇定義和進度掌控
  6. 產品上市後軟體進版範疇定義和消費者滿意度回饋的跟進與問題解決
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關系所
  2. 具有科技業PM工作經驗3年以上
  3. 熟悉手機產業、具有手機產品專案管理經驗者為佳
  4. 英文聽說讀寫流利
  5. 可獨立作業
  6. 具有良好溝通協調及團隊合作能力
  7. 抗壓性佳,並能接受快速歩調的工作環境
  8. 對科技產品有興趣,做事態度認真負責
  1. 新產品開發之產品規格/時程/成本之掌控
  2. 新產品上市規劃
  3. 產品行銷規劃
  4. 產品生命週期管理及市場競爭分析
  5. 協調及整合各部門產品開發相關事宜
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關系所
  2. 具理工背景或MBA學位為佳
  3. 具備2-3年業務經驗為佳
  4. 電子/資訊產業 PM 經驗為佳
  5. 熟悉產品規畫、開發流程為佳
  6. 思考邏輯清晰、可獨立作業、具備危機處理、及主動發掘並解決問題的能力
  7. 主動、抗壓性強、配合度高、認真細心、負責、具溝通協調及團隊合作能力
  1. 新產品開發之產品規格/時程/成本之掌控
  2. 新產品上市規劃
  3. 產品行銷規劃
  4. 產品生命週期管理及市場競爭分析
  1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關系所
  2. 具理工背景及MBA學位為佳
  3. 電子/資訊產業1年以上PM 經驗為佳
  4. 熟悉產品開發工作流程、成本掌控、產品生命週期管理及市場競爭分析
  5. 熟悉電競產品為佳
  6. 態度積極、目標導向、具溝通協調、獨立作業之能力、抗壓性強


Software Engineer - Computer Vision(電腦視覺研發工程師)
  1. 電腦視覺相關之深度學習演算法開發
  2. 深度學習模型資料搜集、清理、訓練及優化
  3. 應用場景的系統開發及效能優化
  4. State of the art 技術研讀及套用評估
  1. 碩士(含)以上,資工、資管、電機電子相關系所
  2. 具有良好的程式設計及解決問題能力,至少熟悉一種主流程式設計語言 (Python/C++等)
  3. 熟悉深度神經網路的常用模型 (CNN、R-CNN、VGGNet、ResNet等)
  4. 熟悉 Caffe、Tensorflow 等任一種主流的深度學習框架的使用
  5. 具有使用 OpenCV、OpenGL 、攝影機 3A 演算法之經驗為佳
  6. 曾參與 Kaggle 競賽或深入研究並調校 Neural Network 模型者為佳
Software Engineer - Big Data(大數據軟體研發工程師)
  1. Work closely with data to optimize data systems and pipeline architecture. Design and build the infrastructure for data extraction, preparation, and loading of data from a variety of sources using technology.
  2. Identify and select the latest AI/ML technologies to solve problems.
  3. Deploy and integrate AI ​​models into back-end servers and build up front-end interfaces (webApp or APP).
  4. Collaborate with other departments to effectively use internal/external big data.
  5. Aggressively attend training courses, learn state-of-the-art technologies and study the latest top research papers.
  1. Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or Statistics.
  2. At least 1-year experience in Python development.
  3. At least 1-year experience in AI development or Data engineering.
  4. Can quickly master a new programming language.
Software Engineer - Cloud(雲端研發工程師)
  1. Focus on providing SaaS for AI enterprises to solve the real problems from various industries.
  2. Design, build and deploy distributed systems on public cloud.
  1. Master's degree or higher in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering related background.
  2. Experience with AWS, Azure, and/or GCP.
  3. Experience programming in Go, C/C++, Node.js, Java, Python.
  4. Experience integrating with RDBMS and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and/or MongoDB.
  5. Experience with monitoring/logging tool, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and/or Fluentd.
  6. Have built scalable distributed systems with a good understanding of micro service architecture.
  7. Good understanding of data structures, algorithms, and operating systems.
  8. Good interpersonal communications and problem-solving skills.
Mobile App Developer(APP開發工程師)
  1. Work with team members to develop and implement mobile AI projects.
  2. Cooperate with other departments, support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support).
  3. Produce fully functional mobile applications while writing clean codes.
  4. Gather specific requirements and suggest solutions.
  5. Write unit and UI tests to identify malfunctions.
  6. Troubleshoot and debug to optimize performance.
  7. Design interfaces to improve user experience.
  8. Ensure new and legacy applications meet quality standards.
  9. Attend training courses aggressively; learn state of the art technologies.
  1. Master's degree in Computer Science, or a related field.
  2. Demonstrable portfolio of released applications in the App store or the Android market.
  3. Proven work experiences as a Mobile developer.
  4. In-depth knowledge of at least one programming language.
  5. Familiar with design patterns, third-party libraries, and APIS.
  6. Problem solver with excellent analytical skills.
  7. Understand the needs of mobile users.
Robotics Software Development Engineer (機器人軟體研發工程師)
  1. Design and implement a flexible and robust navigation stack that enables quick iterations.
  2. Design and implement a test environment that supports automated testing with validation data.
  3. Explore, evaluate, and select suitable approaches for decision-making under uncertainty.
  4. Proactively address problems with a research-thinking mindset and critically think about the pros and cons of different approaches.
  5. Independently read relevant literature and share your insights and knowledge with other stakeholders.
  6. Work in a cross-functional team that takes ownership of the full software lifecycle.
  7. Collaborate with other teams to make optimal software architecture design decisions.
  1. Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
  2. Exceptional academic track record with expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, robotics, control theory, and/or mathematical optimization.
  3. Programming skills in C++, Python, JavaScript, and/or Go.
  4. Proficiency in data structures, algorithm development and software architecture design.
  5. Exceptionally strong understanding of fundamentals and problem solving skills.
  6. Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  7. Understanding of software development best practices, including coding standards, code reviews, design patterns, source control management, and test automation.
DevOps Engineer (開發維運工程師)
  1. Provide tools and development infrastructure for other developers.
  2. Design, implement, and extend a polyglot CI/CD system.
  3. Write clean, maintainable, and well-commented source code.
  4. Proactively address problems with a research-thinking mindset and critically think about the pros and cons of different approaches.
  5. Independently read relevant literature and share your insights and knowledge with other stakeholders.
  6. Work in a cross-functional team that takes ownership of the full software lifecycle.
  7. Collaborate with other teams to make optimal software architecture design decisions.
  1. Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or a related field.
  2. Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  3. Programming skills in C++, Python, JavaScript, and/or Go.
  4. Expertise in the software delivery lifecycle, especially with CI/CD systems that cover polyglot builds, running tests, handling build artifacts, and deployment stages.
  5. Familiarity with cloud computing, including concepts such as virtual machines, containers, serverless functions, access-control policies, system security, and microservice design patterns.
  6. Understanding of software development best practices, including coding standards, code reviews, design patterns, source control management, and test automation.
  7. Passion for defining, improving, and enforcing best practices for software development.
Front-end Developer (前端網頁研發工程師)
  1. Design and implement configurable web-application dashboards that can be used by non-technical users to visualize real-time and historical data.
  2. Work with other stakeholders to reduce latency in visualizations of real-time data.
  3. Write clean, maintainable, and well-commented source code.
  4. Work in a cross-functional team that takes ownership of the full software lifecycle.
  5. Collaborate with other teams to make optimal software architecture design decisions.
  1. Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or a related field.
  2. Experience with modern front-end development practices.
  3. Hands-on experience with developing web applications. Familiarity with scientific data visualization is a plus.
  4. Familiarity with microservices and resource-oriented architectures.
  5. Understanding of software development best practices, including coding standards, code reviews, design patterns, source control management, and test automation.
  6. Expert in JavaScript and/or TypeScript. Knowledge of Python, C++, and/or Go is a plus.
Data Infrastructure Engineer (資料科學架構師)
  1. Design and implement resource-efficient, low-latency data pipelines.
  2. Explore, evaluate, and select suitable frameworks for data science and big data processing.
  3. Provide tools and best practices for data access control, data versioning, and migration strategies for other teams.
  4. Write clean, maintainable, and well-commented source code.
  5. Proactively address problems with a research-thinking mindset and critically - think about the pros and cons of different approaches.
  6. Independently read relevant literature and share your insights and knowledge with other stakeholders.
  7. Work in a cross-functional team that takes ownership of the full software lifecycle.
  8. Collaborate with other teams to make optimal software architecture design decisions.
  1. Master's degree or PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
  2. Expertise and exceptional track record in data engineering and operations, including SQL and noSQL databases, system security and access control.
  3. Expertise in at least one programming language, including C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, or Go.
  4. Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  5. Familiarity with and knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of data warehouses, data lakes, data pipelines and batch and stream processing.
  6. Exceptionally strong understanding of fundamentals and problem solving skills.
  7. Understanding of software development best practices, including coding standards, code reviews, design patterns, source control management, and test automation.


Market Development Manager
  1. Study and analyze the market competition, define the opportunity, and propose product positioning, pricing, marketing, and service strategy.
  2. Understand product portfolio and roadmap from the headquarter; select the right product and SKU for the assigned market.
  3. Based on the understanding of the assigned market, provide accurate sales forecast to headquarter.
  4. Monitor sell-in, sell-out, final inventory status and modify the order and forecast and ensure smooth supply status in the market.
  5. Manage quarterly business simulations including revenue, costs, expenses, and profit.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. Proficiency in English
  3. Passion on information technology industry and products
  4. Positive and proactive attitudes; ambitious and goal-oriented
  5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
Territory Marketing Manager
  1. Define regional marketing strategy that leads to the growth of marketing share and profit in APAC region.
  2. Liaise with internal stakeholders and local markets to execute GTM plan and strategic campaigns.
  3. Review and monitor the APAC markets marketing execution status on a day to day basis.
  4. Develop partnership with local marketing managers and provide regional guidance to ensure the success of new product launch.
  5. Strong working relationship with corporate partners, field teams, and vendors globally to ensure delivery of the best possible experience to ASUS customers.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. Proficiency in English
  3. Passion on information technology industry and products
  4. Positive and proactive attitudes; ambitious and goal-oriented
  5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
Global Product Marketing (Consumer PC)
  1. Analyzing product brand positioning and consumer insights and further develop global marketing strategy for responsible products – go-to-market strategy and communication plan.
  2. Lead creative development from creative brief to marketing asset development that can cover potential TA’s touch points including owned media, earned media and paid media. Assets include but not limited to video, printed and OOH ads, product page, web banner, press release, POSM and other online and offline marketing collaterals.
  3. Work with product, engineering experts to understand product features and define unique selling points to create a great product story for communication.
  4. Oversee related cross-functional teams (Social, Media buy, PR, Influencer, Content, Channel marketing …etc.) to make sure product strategies are being executed by different tactics and deliverables
  5. Work closely with local marketing teams to align marketing strategy. Create attractive and timely deliverables that are suitable for key markets to execute.
  6. Drive execution result of key markets. Measure and report performance of marketing campaigns, track KPI and assess ROI.
  7. Ensure product launch success in global launch events and exhibitions
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. An understanding of PC products or consumer electronics is preferred.
  3. Product planning, Product marketing, PR agency or creative agency related working experience is preferred
  4. Good communication skill in both Chinese & English is a must.
  5. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to detail
  6. Independent, creative-driven, willingly to learn and also a team player
  7. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time
Global Content Marketing (Commercial PC)
  1. To develop and implement content marketing strategies for ASUS business PC products to increase sales and business opportunity.
  2. Design and execute content to assets lead generation campaign to help increasing brand awareness and nurturing curious prospects through the marketing funnel and into the sales pipeline.
  3. Lead creative development from creative brief to marketing asset development. Assets include sales enablement tools as well as end customer facing collaterals, such as sales pitching deck, video, web page, web banner, press release, POSM… and other online/offline marketing collaterals.
  4. Work with product/engineering experts to understand product features and define unique selling points to create a great product/solution story for communication.
  5. Oversee related cross-functional teams (Social, Media buy, PR, Content, Channel marketing …etc.) to make sure product strategies are being executed by different tactics and deliverables
  6. Work closely with local marketing teams to align marketing strategy. Create attractive and timely deliverables that are suitable for key markets to execute.
  7. Drive execution result of key markets. Measure and report performance of marketing activities, track KPI and assess ROI.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. An understanding of PC products or B2B electronics is preferred.
  3. Relevant B2B marketing experience is preferred.
  4. Good communication skill in both Chinese & English is a must.
  5. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to detail
  6. Independent, creative-driven, willingly to learn and also a team player.
  7. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
Market Development Manager(Phone)(APAC)
  1. APAC countries sales planning & operation.
  2. APAC countries marketing planning & operation.
  3. APAC countries channels managing & creating.
  4. Collaborate and work with HQ cross function teams.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. 1~2 years working experience is preferred.
  3. Proficiency in English.
  4. Passion on information technology industry and products
  5. Able to be expatriated.
Sales Product Manager
  1. Define new product's specification, control the cost and schedule.
  2. Research and analyze market conditions, and identify key competitor and market/consumer trends.
  3. Coordinate events (CES/ Computex) and provide product training to sales.
  4. Integrate and organize product developing related topics with cross-functions.
  1. Bachelor's degree in computer science, business, or master's degree in related field
  2. Proven ability to solve problems creatively and to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline
  3. Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
Channel Manager
  1. Horizontal regional integration of front line competition and contributing the information to internal for roadmap discussion.
  2. Need to do well communication with sales about BU clear strategy, product story, product value proposition, and key competitors.
  3. Monthly monitor world wide annual target including volume, GP%, profit, and sync up with sales team.
  4. Co-work with marketing team to plan marketing strategy and activities to raise brand position and preference.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. Well communication and coordination with excellent English ability.
  3. Capable to work both independently and in a team for the utmost benefit of the team and project.
  4. Strong ownership and leadership.
  5. Willing to go at any length to achieve a goal.
Portfolio PM
  1. Market trend analysis and understanding consumer needs at market.
  2. Influence product features definition.
  3. Push for Time to Market in technology/architecture transition.
  4. Identify product roadmaps gaps and engage with WW development teams to deliver roadmap requirements.
  5. Competitor analysis and articulate ASUS's response.
  6. Support product pitch, demos and training to markets and partners.
  7. Identify unique selling points and key messaging.
  1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
  2. Strong, demonstrated analytical skills.
  3. Advanced Excel knowledge.
  4. Strong teamwork skills and work in international multicultural environment.
  5. Ability to work both in a structured and dynamic environment.
  6. Demonstrated track record for excellent English written and verbal communication, up to executive level.
  7. Able to see the big picture and have a firm grasp on the details.
